Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex header

The authenticity of natural fibers combined with the resistance of Smart Yarn technology.
By Integration hemp fibers into its composition, Batyline Canatex innovates with a unique composite material that looks and feels natural.


  • For a matte and natural effect
  • Easy to maintain and resistant to dirt
  • Extremely strong with no sagging
  • Durable and resistant to UV-light
  • Fire retardant
  • 100% recyclable
Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex sample


Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex sample


Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex sample


Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex sample


Serge Ferrari Batyline Canatex sample



Composition Polyester
Weight 560 g/m² EN ISO 2286-2
Width 180 cm
Roll length 50 ml

Physical properties

Tear strength 235 / 235 daN/5cm EN ISO 1421
Abrasion resistance / Martindale > 120 000 EN ISO 12947-2
Mold resistance Action, excellent EN ISO 846-A
Extreme light resistance UVA 340 / 2000h QUVTEST T30-036
Maximum working temperatures -30°C / +70°C
Recyclability 100% via Texyloop

Fire retardant

France / Germany M2 / B2 NFP 92-503 / DIN 4102-1
Marine test Pass IMO A652 part 16
Cigarette test / Match test Pass EN 1021.1 – 1021.2

Cleaning recommendations

Clean with a ph neutral soapy water. Always rinse with clear water. We recommend the use Cleaner 500 for stubborn dirt. Do not use cleaning products containing solvents. The disinfectants that have been approved may be used for disinfecting the material. An overview of tested disinfectants is available on request.

Maintenance instructions